Never Overpay for Supplies

Benchmark your restaurant supply costs

We analyze your supply costs against similar restaurants and chains to make sure you're always getting the fair price
Get Started for Free

Product and Price Benchmarking

Compare prices across distributors and chain size. Leverage data in negotiations for better prices
  • Live database of over 35,000 real invoiced prices across
    hundreds of categories
  • Searchable and filterable information on restaurant products, prices, and vendor information
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Restaurant operations and location comparison report

Choose the plan that’s best for your restaurant, group or chain.


Savor Pro

$59/month by location

For restaurants and restaurant groups that want to track supply spend at the line item level and get a better handle on their expense.
  • Invoice storage and search
  • Line-item level transaction reporting
  • Automatic product categorization
  • Multi-location support
  • Item price histories
  • Product, vendor and price benchmarking
  • Easy data export

Savor Pro Plus

$99/month by location

For groups and chains who want to audit expenses for overcharges and streamline supply chain, expense management, and procurement.
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Everything in Pro, plus...

  • EDI connection
  • DC/Op Co price comparisons
  • Invoice auditing and price verification
  • Unlimited support via video calls
Franchisors and Established Chains

Savor Elite

Call for pricing

For regional and growing national changes with custom needs and complex data issues.
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Everything in Pro Plus, and...

  • POS Integrations
  • Price change reporting
  • Custom Tags and Groupings
  • Custom reports and analysis

How does it work?

Learn how Dashy Dash works with a 2 minute video from our CEO.