Customization & Support

See your data the way that works for you

Our customer support team works with you to enrich your data with custom tags, categorization and analysis, so no question goes unaswered
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Store Tags and Segments

Group and organize you stores with custom tags, and filters to see groupings specific to your organization
  • Store Types - Tag your stores by type, such as franchisee, corporate owned, or licensed location
  • Region - Add regional groupings to understand performance within similar geographies
  • Manager - Tag stores with district or regional managers to compare performance across leadership
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Restaurant operations and location comparison report

Supply Product Tags

Apply you own custom categories, tags, or groupings, like GL Codes to your supply spend
  • Group products for custom analysis
  • Analyze data in a consistent way across your organization
  • Leverages existing FP&A classifications from your organization
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Custom Reporting and Analysis

Work with our custom success team to develop custom reports or execute a custom analysis
  • Fully customizable ad-hoc analyses
  • Develop repeatable monthly reports
  • Create reports using custom requirements, filters, or tags
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Customizations and Support

Contact us to learn more about our customizations and what our customer success team can to do support your goals

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How does it work?

Learn how Dashy Dash works with a 2 minute video from our CEO.